Computer Acronyms

PCMCIA     People Can't Memorize Computer Industry Acronyms

ISDN       It Still Does Nothing

SCSI       System Can't See It

DOS        Defective Operating System

BASIC      Bill's Attempt to Seize Industry Control

IBM        I Blame Microsoft

DEC        Do Expect Cuts

CD-ROM     Consumer Device, Rendered Obsolete in Months

OS/2       Obsolete Soon, Too.

WWW        World Wide Wait

MACINTOSH  Most Applications Crash; If Not, The Operating System

PENTIUM    Produces Erroneous Numbers Thru Incorrect Understanding of

COBOL      Completely Obsolete Business Oriented Language

AMIGA      A Merely Insignificant Game Addiction

LISP       Lots of Infuriating & Silly Parenthesis

MIPS       Meaningless Indication of Processor Speed

WINDOWS    Will Install Needless Data On Whole System

MICROSOFT  Most Intelligent Customers Realize Our Software Only Fools

RISC       Reduced Into Silly Code